Bubble Gum Mitts
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
I wanted a longer pair of fingerless mitts to wear for the winter.
I made them with a longer cuff and I embroidered a flower on each hand.
(mostly knit and crochet along with some sewing and a peek in our daily life)
Bubble Gum Mitts
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
I wanted a longer pair of fingerless mitts to wear for the winter.
I made them with a longer cuff and I embroidered a flower on each hand.
Noro Traveling Scarf - Trinty
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
Here is the latest photo of a traveling scarf that has come to visit me.
It belongs to Trinity in Ravelry in traveling scarf group 36.
This next set of scarves we are doing is all made from Noro yarn. It is a pretty yarn with vibrant colors.
Delivering gifts to Meadowdale
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
The company I work for chose two families to donate gifts for Christmas. Here is a photo of us delivering the gifts.
Christmas Eve Snooze
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
J took this photo yesterday. I came up to the computer and saw the folding lawn chair by it. I thought he must have gotten it out for the cats to sleep on. It was for him to sit on so the cats could continue to nap on the computer chair.
I would not want to move them either. They look so happy together taking the Christmas Eve snooze.
Christmas Concert Tickets
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
J purchased these tickets for us about 3 months ago. They just arrived in the mail yesterday. I finally get to see the inside of the Nutter Center. I drive by all the time and see all the concerts going on. It is just down the street from where we are living.
I have been busy making gifts for Christmas. I have not posted much in awhile. I made these pocket book slippers. They end up looking like mary janes when they are on your feet. They were fairly quick to knit up. Here is the free online pattern if you are interested.
Saturday we went to see Santa. Calib is one of the children on my Husband's side of the family that lives here in Ohio. He was very good with Santa. The little girl before us in line would not pose at all. Afterwards, we went out to lunch.
I have been working on holiday gifts. This scarf is called a mistake rib. I love how the colors change from row to row.
Here is a link on how to do the mistake rib.
Thanksgiving visitors at the pond
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
We have had a few snowy days and I am sad to report that one of the 3 white swans is no longer with us. We did get these visitors within the past week. I feel badly for them as parts of the pond around the edges are all ice. I hope they all make it through this winter.
Purple Handspun
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
I also finished this skein of purple handspun this morning.
I love the way it turned out. It hangs perfectly balanced. I am so happy I took that all day class on spinning. It helped me figure out how to spin better yarn.
Pumpkin Bread
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
Homemade Pumpkin Bread
1 small can of pumpkin
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup applesauce
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups flour
1 cup brown sugar splenda
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 teaspoons pumpkin spice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 small boxes instant jello pudding (pumpkin pie spice) seasonal
1 cup chopped walnuts
Makes 2 loaves
Bake at 325 for one hour
Sprinkle 3 Tbls sugar and 1/2 tsp cinnamon on top and bottom of the loaves.
Purple Fingerless Mitts
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
I just finished these mitts this morning. They are for a 12 year old girl.
The company I am working for is giving gifts to an underprivilaged family in Dayton. The family is a single Mom with 7 kids. Everyone in the office is split into groups of 2 to shop for family members. I made these for my girl in the family along with all the gifts we are going shopping for. I believe we are going shopping sometime later this month. The company is paying for all the gifts.
The stripes in these glow in the dark. I thought she might like that.
I wanted to post a pic of the mug I made last week, with the ladies I work with.
This morning we got our pieces back from the pottery place.
I have not posted in a little bit. Yesterday J took me to KY to the aquarium. It was the best aquarium I have ever visited. In the evening we went to the Cincinnatti Symphony.
It was a nice to both have a Saturday off to spend together.
I made these mitts on the way there and finished them up this morning. They are fall mitts for my Mom. I hope she likes them.
Fishy - Inspecting The Dish Rag
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
I made another dish rag in the same colorway I had left over from dish rag tag. I did the sead stitch for 6 stitches around the outer edges. I did a blanket weave stitch pattern in the center.
It is funny that fishy always gets into the photos. I usually delete them but this one turned out funny.
This is a Random Act of Kindness from group 11. I sent this out yesterday to Robyn in CA. She is one of the group administrators on our traveling scarf groups. Everyone in our group 11 sent yarn to me to put together for Robyn. She is going through some tough times and we all wanted her to be able to continue to knit.
Here is her site if you would like to read more about her.
Pink Traveling Scarf Home At Last
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
I have been weaving in all the ends and finishing up my scarf. I am so excited it finally returned home. I can't believe it could be done. I am surprised that my traveling scarf went from sea to sea across the U.S. and back to me. I love the colors everyone put in it.
I finished it just in time for the cool weather. We are due for our first frost tonight.
The nineteenth finisher has my vote for Most Battered and Bedraggled - duct
tape is holding the whole thing together. Ladies and Gentlemen, 2 Sticks and a
String!Three cheers for three balls of yarn!
The little scarecrow
couple from Marie have
joined the turkey on the baker’s cabinet (he was lonely). I love sewing kits,
they fall into my sweeping love of all things wee and tiny. Captain Cynthia will be thrilled with
the bright dish rag, I think bright colors make washing dishes a slightly more
appealing chore. Thank you so much, Marie!
This is my Sister's new front yard. I can imagine it would be like being on vacation every day.
I would want to stay home sick from work alot.
Happy Birthday 2008
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
Here is the photo of my birthday gifts. I sat down today to open them up. I love all of them. I love birthdays. It is nice to be remebered when we are so far away from home and our family.
The pink package in the middle turned out to be two new mystery books from my sister. One is a Chocolate mystery and the other a knitting mystery. The fiber for spinning in the blue baking dish is Alpaca fiber from my MIL in Colorado. She also sent some waste fiber over to the right for the cats to play in. They are racing around and landing in it now. I can hear the ruckus from upstairs.
The Dish Rag I made
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
So here is my dish cloth I made to send out. I did not snap a shot of the goodies I sent with it. But, I sent a couple of balls of yarn and some treats along with it back to the lady who started the game.
I signed up to do Dish Rag Tag awhile back. On my team of 14 or so people I was the last one to recieve the tag your it box. It had a hand made dish cloth in it and some yarn to make another dish cloth. The lady who sent my box also included lots of little treasures. Inclulding some cute stitch markers. So I got the pattern and the box on Wednesday night. I had the dish cloth made and sent out on Friday morning. I am not sure of our ranking as a team. I was the last person to make the cloth for our team so I will let you know how it goes.
Last night was my birthday. J took me out for a birthday dinner at this place on Friday evening.
Then he took me shopping for some fall/winter clothes for work. He also picked out and ordered me this swift that I had been wanting. I am surprised he found out about it. I mentioned I wanted to get myself one along time ago and I did not specify anything about what kind I wanted. But he ordered the perfect one.
Last night I went up to J's Grandparents house to deliver some baby gifts for a double baby shower I was invited to last week. I did not make it to the shower due to a map quest snaffoo.
I could not find my way and I am the only living person who does not own a cell phone.
When I delivered the baby gifts to the Grandparent's they were playing cards. We all had a little dessert Donna had made this wonderful Amish Friendship Bread. She sent me home with a starter. I thought I would make it for J. I am sure he would love it. Here is the link for a similar recipe. The one she made has a pudding mix added in the bread when it is made.
Here is Judith's scarf finished. It has made it's way all across the U.S. from California to New York. Each square is made by a different person in a different state. If you are not familiar with the traveling scarf process.
Judith's website is here if you would like to take a peek. http://babyphd.blogspot.com/
I thought I would post a few more scarves that have come and gone from my home with in the past week.
Here is her flicker site if you would like to see what she is up to lately. http://www.flickr.com/photos/kchristine
Power Plying Class
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
These ladies belong to the local Spinners and Weavers guild.
The samples
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
These were three samples of yarn passed around to notice the difference.
Over plied, perfectly balanced and under plied.
The skein headband
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
This headband deserved a second shot.
Arlene is a local yarn store owner. She owns Fiberworks. http://fiberworksdayton.blogspot.com/2006/05/silk-magic-scarf-class.html
Our Teacher (the one wearing the headband)
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
I went to an all day Saturday spinning class. It was from 9:30 am to 6:30 or so. It was called power plying. If you are not sure what plying is it is what you do to several strands of yarn after you have spun it.
It can be 2 or 3 or lots more of strands spun together. Usually you spin the single strands one direction and when you ply them you go the other direction to make them all stay together. Our teacher came from New Mexico to teach our class in Beaver Creek.
HAII - The Hat That Killed Me
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
This is the hat that came in the mail and killed me in Hat Attack II.
The picture is poor quality. I will try to take another photo this weekend and replace this one.
The person also sent me a ball band dishcloth and a little fabric bag.
My Hat Attack Hat
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
This is the hat I was working on when I was killed. I snapped this poor quality shot at night. I had to send it out unfinished to the peson who killed me. They are suppose to get the hat and finish it for me and try to kill the next person by sending it to them before they finish their hat.
My Fiber Purchases
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
This is the fiber I came home with. There is not many places you can purchase fiber around here. So I had saved up with the intention of getting quite a bit of fiber until the next years fiber festival.
My Favorite Sheep
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
There were many sheep and llamas in the animal tent.
This was my favorite sheep. He was looking at me.
Working Dog
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
He was having them go up the ramp and into the baby pool for a swim here.
Working Dog
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
This dog was a working dog making the four ducks do an course of different things.
Creatively Dyed Yarn
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
These were her best selling fibers. I did not pick up any of these.
Creatively Dyed Yarn
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
I purchased 3 of these to spin up. I can't wait to see how they turn out. I have seen them on Etsy for sale.
Hats For Sale
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
This lady was making some lovely hats with flowers on them.
Homemade Wheel
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
I had seen these wheels for sale on line. They seem so odd I had to try it out to see how it spun. It was not something I was interested in spinning with. I love my lady bug more than spinning on this particular wheel.
The First Tent
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
I then made my way into the first tent of vendors.
It was rather warm inside the tents.
Weaving The Finished Yarn
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00
Here is the last step using the yarn to weave a shawl. They had a goal of making 2 shawls on this day.
How amazing is it to see the whole process?