Sunday, March 29, 2009

Back to Spinning (the gym kind)

This past week has been a busy one. I filled out an application and brought in all my certifications to a local gym. Including the CPR I just re-certified for on a recent Saturday. I got a call early in the week asking me to come in and audition for a job teaching spinning.
Let me just say the word audition freaks me out.
I had an audition on Wednesday and I felt pretty sick to my stomach going in there.
One of the other teachers mentioned to me if they don't like me they will just ask me to leave with in the first 30 seconds. (yikes!)
This is why I felt sick to my stomach. But, I decided if it was meant to be it would work out.
It all worked out and the lady auditioning me just stood there and watched me teach a non existant class. So, I stayed and filled out paperwork for another hour or so. Yesterday, they flew a lady in from Canada do another spinning certification. (brand specific)
Most of the ladies that went to that with me were from other clubs around the area. I only recognized one other teacher from our club.
It was good to brush up on all the new rules that now apply to teaching cycling.
I spent the afternoon making new playlists to begin teaching with.
I have a Thursday night class I am teaching beginning April 9th. I am also going to sub when needed.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fisher and Basil Napping

Fisher and Basil Napping
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00

Our cats are going to be 3 years old on the 21st of March.
Jeremiah snapped this photo the other day. I thought the blanket reminded me of St. Patrick's Day sort of.
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

Susiewick's Scarf

Susiewick's Scarf
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00

Here is Susiewick's scarf it came through my house about a month ago. I have been slacking at posting to my blog. I have been busy getting ready to re-certify for CPR next Saturday. I am training to start teaching spinning at the gym again. So I have been spending way to many of my spare hours at the gym lately.

Vanilla Socks

Vanilla Socks
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00

Here are my socks on the sock blockers. Freshly washed and blocked awaiting me to try them on.

Vanilla Socks

Vanilla Socks
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00

Here they are my first pair of knit socks I have ever completed. I ended up making the second sock two times. I was way off in my stitch count and the second sock was much larger than the first.
They are called Vanilla socks because they are a plain sock with no special stitches.