Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Summer Colors Blanket

This is the latest item I am working on. I love the bright colors. It is a rather light weight blanket that I am crocheting. It is done in a crocheted ripple pattern.

Yum! Strawberry Preserves

Yum! Strawberry Preserves
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00

Last weekend I found some great strawberries at the store. I decided to go ahead and can up some preserves for the winter.

Patty Pan Squash

Patty Pan Squash
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00

I wanted to post a pic of this squash we grew from seed this year. It is a kind of patty pan variety. I love having squash for supper. I slice it up in a skillet with herbs and a little parm on the top.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Farmers Market Visit

Farmers Market Visit
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00

This morning, after teaching my cycling class I drove out to the farmers market. I see two blueberry pies and some bread and butter pickles in my future. I also picked out a Holmes county parmesan cheese.

Beautiful Rose

We made one more stop at a Mennonite turkey farm on the way home.
Jeremiah found this rose out front while I purchased some turkey for to bring home.

The Falls

Lower Falls
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00

It was pretty but, really humid when we made it to the falls.
It would be a lovely place to visit in the spring.

Which Way To The Falls

Which Way To The Falls
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00

Next stop Charleston Falls in Troy, Ohio.

Fulton Farms Garden

Fulton Farms Garden
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00

Here is the garden out front of Fulton Farms.

Fulton Farms

Fulton Farms
Originally uploaded by whirledpeas00

J brought us to Fulton Farms to pick strawberries. Too bad we were one week to late for strawberries. We picked out some black rasberries for me to make a pie for his birthday. It turned out really good.