Sunday, June 26, 2011

Twisted Limone Yarn

Twisted Limone Yarn by whirledpeas00
Twisted Limone Yarn, a photo by whirledpeas00 on Flickr.

Acacia Park - Colorado Springs

This is the tree that my pieces are on. Mine is the green and pink stripe in a rib pattern and the blue square below it.There is also a very large light blue square on the base of the tree that I knit.

Acacia Park - Colorado Springs

Here is one of the yarn bombed trees. I love the kitty square.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Acacia Park Project - Colorado Springs

Last night I went and met a few ladies and we stitched knit and crocheted squares together for a yarn bombing project in the park. The tree cozies are going up on Saturday morning.
I will post pictures when I go check it out.
Here is the link to the project.
There were 300 individual pieces contributed by 32 people. "Cozies" for 6 trees were stitched together by 9 people in about 9 hours.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Onions, Radishes, Basil and Bell Peppers

This box has various small plants in it. I was planning on planting another row of radishes in a few weeks so I would have a second harvest.

Cukes, Yellow Squash and Zuchinni

This box is summer squash and cukes. I have not good luck with squash here in Colorado.

Tomato Bed

Tomato Bed by whirledpeas00
Tomato Bed, a photo by whirledpeas00 on Flickr.

Here is the garden that was just planted last weekend. This bed has various tomato plants and one bell pepper plant in the middle.