Friday, June 27, 2008

Traveling Scarves - Ravelry

I became one of the moderators of the traveling scarf group in Ravelry about a month ago.
We started group #11 and we are doing our scarves in both knit and crochet.
I thought I would start to post the traveling scarves pictures on my blog as they came through to me. I have sent out mine and the first one that came to me. I thought I would wait until the scarves started getting bigger to post pic's of them on my blog. I am interested in what they are going to look like.
Here is the description of the group from Ravelry.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this type of “swap,” you will start a scarf at 3-4 inches and mail it on. When you receive a scarf in progress, you add 3-4 inches of your own stash and your own stitch to the scarf, then forward it on to the next person on the list.

You will always be sending the scarves to the same person (the person “downstream” from you) and you will always receive from the same person (the person “upstream” from you). The order of the list remains the same all the way through. After your scarf has been through the rest of the list, it will get to the person upstream from you. Then the person upstream from you will send your original scarf back to you, where it stays.

How long will it take to get my scarf back? • In a group consisting of 12 participants, it will take approximately 5-6 months for each scarf to make the entire trip.

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